Thursday 12 December 2019

The 2019 General Election: Live!

Wow! I remembered my blogspot password.
Hello folks, it's been awhile. 

To quote Brenda from Bristol (aka: our modern day Nostradamus) "You're joking! Not another one..."

A quick disclaimer: I have to be up at 6:00am tomorrow morning for work. I also have a politics essay to write.

Now... I *promised* myself I wouldn't stay up to blog the election but I just CANNOT. SIT. STILL. 
It's half an hour till the exit polls are announced. This has big ramifications for the panic attack I'm currently experiencing: it could have a shelf life of 30 minutes or 5 years depending on what is announced at 10 o'clock.

There were no exit polls for the EU referendum back in 2016 and I remember merrily going to bed until I woke up in a cold sweat to the sound of Nick Robinson's sombre tones on the Today programme announcing 51% of the country had voted to leave.  

Will I make it in to work tomorrow? (Yes and I'm really looking forward to it if my boss just so happens to be reading this...) We'll see. Can you imagine the sheer irony of failing a politics degree because you stayed up to watch the General Election? A paradox that seems to exemplify the current political situation we find ourselves in.

Fasten yer seatbelts.

I need to change this. I'm a fully grown adult woman of 22 now. Still addicted to tea and not a fan of early mornings, but hopefully with a little more life experience now. Bless.

Here's my cat channelling her inner spirit of '45 to calm any last minute jitters:

Ken Loach's film about the 1945 General Election
My cat, Prudence

Kyrie Eleison. Christie Eleison. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.
Jesus WEPT.
An 80 seat majority.

He HID. IN. A. FRIDGE.  Our Prime Minister HID. IN. A. FRIDGE.

Homelessness has more than doubled over the last 10 years of Tory government. People are dying. Schools can't afford toilet rolls. The NHS is on it's knees and yet we've got the worst Labour result since 1939. Wow.

A bloke from Ipsos Mori has just popped up on the BBC saying that even B O L S O V E R could go blue. It's always been a bit marginal but surely to God Dennis Skinner can't loose his seat? What will he do?! There are only so many times he can use his bus pass to have a look around the National Coal Mining Museum.
Ipsos Mori? You mean Memento Mori?

Er... right. Let's think of the positives. However much you disappoint other people in your life, at least you can't reach the levels of David Cameron and his Mum. Imagine the entire country knowing that you put your genitals in a dead pig's mouth and that not even being *close* to the worst thing he'll be remembered for. All of this stems from his inability to reconcile the two wings of his party. He was arrogant enough to gamble the entire future of our nation to stop bickering in the Tory party. The current political nightmare we find ourselves in (when I say nightmare I mean one of those really terrifying sleep paralysis ones where you're awake but have no control whatsoever over your own body... or future... or destiny...) has deep roots but David Cameron announcing the 2016 EU referendum was our Eve in Eden moment.

Cider with Cameron: everyone's least favourite Laurie Lee novel

More positives. If Wakefield turns Tory I'm sure the Cribs' won't run out of punk for their next album.

Newcastle Central: the first constituency to declare with a 58% Labour majority. Well done Chi Onwurah. The entirety of the UK Parliament is currently a black woman standing on a socialist manifesto. Savour this moment.

Ian Levy. Blyth Valley in Northumberland. Working class, ex-mining town. Wow. A candidate in a strong North Eastern accent who WORKS FOR THE NHS is on the telly thanking Boris Johnson. My jaw is on the floor. If this continues most of January will be filled with extensive orthodontic surgery.

Never mind when I was 7 years old and started to realise Santa Claus had the same handwriting as my Grandma. All I asked Santa for was a labour majority government this year. Told him he didn't even need to bother wrapping it. But socks it is. Bah Humbug.

It's early but I am going to bed. Whatever happens I have to get up at 7:00am for my minimum wage job tomorrow and put a Christmas jumper on and pretend to smile. I am tired in my bones. Good night.

Merry fucking Christmas to you.

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